• Creative Garden Designs

    Planning is probably the most crucial stage of any project and the benefits should not be overlooked. Conceptual design allows you to explore different avenues of possibility and view a project at various stages without ever breaking ground. In this respect it is very cost effective, as a change of mind or direction on site would be quite costly. We like to say, “a day planning is at least a week on site”. So, weather planning a small courtyard, an awkward transition space, or developing a large lifestyle block, or a bare section, a plan should be considered an invaluable tool in helping you get the most out of the space.

    Although every project is different, just like every client and their needs are different, we generally find the design process follows this general pattern.


    Our Design Process


  • Initial meeting

    First, we make a mutually convenient time to meet and discuss your potential project. We use this time to wander your garden whilst listening to you, your needs and your wants, and to better understand how we might best assist you. In this meeting we cover a lot in brief, such as, Material possibilities and finishes, Shape layout and flow, Style, theme or direction, what you like and don’t like – trees, plants and colours etc. We find the more we understand you, the better the result will be.


  • Proposal of Service

    A short time after the initial meeting having reflected upon it, we will present you with a ‘proposal of service’. This out lines what we have understood from the initial meeting and the key take home points. It also outlines time needed to tackle the design concept and anticipated costs. Once the proposal has been accepted, we can begin initial drafting.


  • Initial Concept Drafting

    Here we look at the fundamental layout considering shape and size of spaces, identify important focal points and lines of sight and consider how everything interacts with everything else. With a wide range of methods available to us, we generally prefer to use CAD (computer aid design) system. We feel this allows us to use our time most effectively as we can explore alternative options and make alterations with ease. Once we have some options to show we normally email them through and follow it up with either a phone call or a second meeting to discuss your thoughts and to further focus the project. After these collaborations we naturally move into lead concept drafting.


  • Lead Concept Drafting

    This is where we take the preferred ideas from the initial concepts and explore these in more detail and experiment with possible variations. At this stage, we often take what has been a traditional 2-D, top view plan and bring it to life by making it a tangible 3-D model complete with textured effects and colour. At this stage we also start considering planting options and positions and place these on the plans. It is not uncommon at this stage for the client to have multiple finished concepts that all meet the brief outlined in the Proposal of Service and are strong contenders for instillation.

    At this point we generally consider the conceptual design service complete. Concepts are emailed to the client along with supporting notes outlining what can be seen and brief thought process behind the work along with any other information we feel relevant. However, occasionally we are asked to take things one step further and collate the favoured options and present these in a final concept


  • Final Concept

    Here we take the ideas from the lead concepts that have resonated the most with the client and bring them together in one final plan, making only minor changes to knit the different aspects together. The end result is a well thought out garden concept that holds a lot of information and has gone through an elimination process (decided by the client) to give you a final concept that best meets the brief and your individuality alike.



    If you would like to enquire about a design concept, we would love to hear from you.